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Simplify the management of your restaurant.

Online table reservation software starting from only €40/month
One-click reservation!
100% customizable
Simple and fast reservation softwarefor efficient management of your restaurant
Manage Your Reservations Like a Pro!
Tired of the hassle of managing reservations? You're in the right place! With our platform, managing reservations becomes a breeze. No more worries, just the joy of cooking. Join us and discover how to make your life easier and more flavorful!
What are the benefits of Barestho?
  • All your reservations in one place, including those made by phone.
  • Share the online calendar with your colleagues.
  • Total control over your restaurant's availability.
  • Stop online reservations at your chosen time.
Peace of mind
  • Enjoy your time off and spend time with loved ones.
  • No need for phone redirection.
  • No need to respond to messages/texts.
24/7 Reservation
  • Your customers can book outside of opening hours.
  • No waiting and quick response.
  • Real-time availability.
Manage your reservations anywhere with ease!
Welcome to the world of Barestho, your ally for simplifying the reservation management of your restaurant. Whether you are in the kitchen, on the floor, or even on the go, our platform is here for you.

Available on PC, mobile, tablet, Android, and iOS, Barestho allows you to manage your reservations wherever you are, at any time, from any device (except for TV, of course—let’s leave that for relaxation moments!).

A basic offer, CUSTOMIZABLE!
  • Centralize all your reservations in one place.

  • Digital reservation book.

  • Management of your schedules and availability.

  • Client database and newsletter sending.

  • Integration with your website, Google, and social media.

  • Customized reservation page.

  • Effective notifications + mobile app.
Download the #1 Online Table Management App
Three unmatched offers to meet your needs.




Integration with our restaurant directory
Be even more visible
By subscribing to our basic offer, enjoy the immediate bonus of being added to our online directory. Increased visibility, simplified reservations for your customers. Join us to maximize your presence today.
Hundreds of restaurants across Belgium and France trust us

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