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Additional modules for your offer?

Choose what you want and when you want it.

The seating plan

The statistics

Customer reviews

Footprint & deposit


The seating plan

The seating plan

Quickly visualize the occupancy of your venue during a service.

A clear and intuitive plan.

€15 per month

Simplify the management of your establishment by quickly and intuitively visualizing the occupancy of your venue during a service. This is achieved through a clear and detailed plan, providing a precise overview for optimal decision-making.



See at a glance the key figures of the restaurant.

Better understand your clientele.

+ €7,5 per month

Quickly access the key figures of your restaurant and deepen your understanding of the clientele at a glance—an efficient solution for informed management and strategic adaptation.

Customer reviews

Customer reviews

Ask personalized questions to your customers.

Identify and resolve potential issues.

+ €7,5 per month

Transform the customer experience by asking personalized questions—an proactive approach that precisely identifies needs and resolves potential issues. A strategy that enhances customer satisfaction and strengthens the quality of your services.

Footprint & deposit

Footprint & deposit

Ask for a deposit or a bank imprint from the customer when making a reservation.

The best way to avoid no-shows.

+ €25 per month

This module highlights the importance of asking for a deposit or a bank imprint from the customer when making a reservation, providing the owner with increased protection against no-shows while enhancing the reliability of transactions.



Custom showcase website.

Integration of our online reservation module.

+€25 per month

Looking for an elegant online presence for your restaurant? At Barestho, we are passionate about creating websites that captivate your customers and showcase the unique essence of your establishment.

Coming soon

More modules are coming!

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