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Discover Barestho

Much more than just an online booking platform, we're a trusted partner in the demanding world of catering.

What sets us apart

What sets us apart from the competition is our commitment to simplicity and customisation. Unlike our competitors, our core offering is designed to be flexible and can be enhanced with additional modules according to the real needs of each restaurateur, all at competitive rates.

What we do

We put the power of online booking in the hands of restaurant owners. With Barestho, they can seamlessly integrate across all major channels such as Google, their social networks or their website. Our solution creates a foolproof conversion tunnel for visitors to these channels, ensuring that every booking counts, even outside opening hours. As a result, restaurateurs can concentrate on their true passion: culinary creation, while enjoying precious free time.

Our mission

At Barestho, our mission is to democratise technology in the restaurant industry. We believe that every restaurant deserves easy access to cutting-edge technology tools to thrive in the digital age.

Our team

Our solution is available on various platforms.

Our partners & integrations